Khandaker Abrar Nadib

Dhaka, Bangladesh ยท

I'm a 1st Year PhD Student at the University of Utah, Kahlert School of Computing. I am currently being co-advised by Prof. Alexander Lex and Prof. Marina Kogan. I am working as a Research Fellow at the Visualization Design Lab and the KORE Lab. My research interests lie in the intersection of Visualization, Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and Applied Data Science. Specifically, my research focuses on data driven misinformation. I am also interested in developing tools and techniques to help users make informed decisions about their privacy and security online. Please visit my Google Scholar profile to see my publications.

Formerly, I have worked as a Full Stack Software Engineer at Optimizely and have three years of experience. I graduated from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) with a BSc in Computer Science and Engineering.

Complementing my scholarly pursuits, I am passionate about traveling, films, competitive FPS gaming, and arts. I embrace diverse cultures and foster a nuanced worldview.


Interaction Based Credibility Analysis of News on Facebook Using Machine
Learning Methodologies

Collaborators: Sadia Sharmin, Sudipa Saha, Tasin Hoque

Fake news and its dissemination are growing more popular as social media becomes more pervasive in our daily lives and Facebook users are particularly vulnerable. Numerous studies on detecting fake news have already been published. However, a study focusing on fake news in low resource languages like Bengali propagated through Facebook is rare due to data extraction challenges. In this paper, we work with fake news in the Bengali language and used various supervised machine learning algorithms to classify Facebook posts as fake, real, or satire and found XGBoost to generate the best outputs. Instead of the content, we trained our model with the interaction data of the posts to make it resilient against adversarial attacks. We observed that ensemble methods perform well with such social media metrics.


Research Experience

News Credibility Analysis on Facebook using User Interaction Data

Collaborators: Sadia Sharmin, Sudipa Saha, Tasin Hoque

Amid the COVID-19 outbreak, we initially focused on detecting fake health-related news on Bengali-language Facebook content. Recognizing information disparities, we transitioned from a content-based approach to a language-independent, computationally efficient interaction metric based method. The scope was further expanded beyond health related news to general news. We employed Machine Learning methodologies to classify public Facebook posts based on authenticity. The proposed method outperformed existing content-based and NLP-based solutions. Furthermore, our research demonstrated that user reactions or interactions with the system vary significantly based on the content of news articles, offering a useful way to gain valuable insights.

Tech: scikit-learn, pandas, matplotlib.
Method: Predictive Modeling Study; Analysis: Exploratory Data Analysis, Machine Learning.
Current State: Accepted (SITIS-2022)

Heuristic Analysis of BKash

Collaborators: Sudipa Saha, Ishrat Jahan Eliza

We conducted a heuristic analysis of a mobile financial application called bKash. I interviewed several users to identify and analyze various issues that are present within the platform. Identified some key problems with the primary functions of the app and ranked their severity via a heuristic analysis. Provided suitable approaches to resolve these issues and presented recommendations on how to enhance accessibility and multimodality.

Method: Semi-structured Interviews; Analysis: Heuristic Analysis, User Analysis, Task Analysis.
Current State: Detailed report can be found here.


University of Utah

Doctor of Philosophy
Computer Science
August 2024 - Present

Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET)

Bachelor of Science
Computer Science and Engineering

GPA: 3.50/4.00

Last Two Semesters: 3.82/4.00

Major GPA: 3.68/4.00

February 2017 - May 2022

Govt. Rajendra College, Faridpur


GPA: 5.00/5.00


Work Experience

Graduate Research Fellow

Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute (SCI)
August 2024 - Present

Software Engineer II


Digital Asset Management Team

Technologies: Python, Flask, JavaScript, TypeScript, React.js, MySQL, MongoDB, Alembic, Celery, Elasticsearch

January 2024 - July 2024

Software Engineer I


Digital Asset Management Team

  • Implemented Brand Template features including Download, Export, access, and Task integration.
  • Implementing Searching, Filtering, and Navigation in DAM collection folders.
  • Implemented various user activity tracking for analytics.
  • Implemented various asset features like meta information, relations, bulk operation improvements, and GPT-3.5-turbo model integration to generate smart content.
  • Handled user roles and privileges for various features.
  • Made improvements to several backend and UI components in terms of performance, and code quality.

Technologies: Python, Flask, JavaScript, TypeScript, React.js, MySQL, MongoDB, Alembic, Celery, Elasticsearch

November 2022 - December 2023

Software Engineering Intern


Asset Renditions Team

  • Worked on implementing and maintaining a feature Asset Rendition.
  • Built three services to generate asset renditions using the given specifications.
  • Implemented stateless generators to scale horizontally and integrated asynchronous messaging for decoupling and scaling.
  • Integrated the Rendition Service with the local development environment for developers.
  • Implemented logging schemes to enable debugging by combining multiple services.

Technologies: Python, FastAPI, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Docker, Kubernetes, Message Queue

May 2022 - October 2022


Research Methods
  • Data Scraping
  • Surveying
  • Interviewing
Programming Languages
  • JavaScript
  • Python
  • Java
  • C/C++
  • SQL
  • Git
  • Docker
  • Jupyter Notebook
  • Postman
  • Wireshark
  • MySQL
  • Oracle
  • MongoDB
  • PostgreSQL
  • Flask
  • React.js
  • Node.JS
  • Typescript
  • FastAPI
  • BootStrap
  • Pandas
  • NumPy
  • Matplotlib
  • Scikit-learn
  • Bash
  • TCL
  • LateX
  • YAML
  • JSON


  • Optimizely SPOT Award- October 2023

    Awarded in recognition of excellent performance and contributions.

  • Optimizely SPOT Award- July 2023

    Awarded in recognition of resolving challenging problems and performance.


Click here to view/download my complete CV.